Economic complexity, institutions, and socioeconomic development
This line of research combines new ways of measuring the quality of economic development with different theories of socioeconomic development.

Local labor markets, occupational skills similarity, and social mobility
This line of research uses methods from network science, economic sociology and econometrics to create models for predicting occupancy changes and explore the association between economic complexity, occupational mobility and social mobility.

Education, human capital and knowledge spillover
This line of research uses methods from econometrics, network science and geography to analyse the spillover effects of education on economic development at the local, regional and national levels.

Inequality, poverty and social efficiency
This line of research uses methods from development economics, sociology, network science and operations research to map different types of inequality, multidimensional poverty and social efficiency.

Innovation, agglomeration and structural change
This line of research uses methods from econometrics, network science and geography to analyse processes of innovation and structural change at the local and national levels.

Policies for smart, sustainable and inclusive diversification
This line of research synthesises results from all projects and makes use of methods from network science, economic complexity and simulation analysis to identify opportunities for smart, sustainable and inclusive diversification and growth.
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Universidade Federal de Santa CatarinaCentro Socioeconômico
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economia
Bairro Trindade, Florianópolis / SC - Brazil